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Spanish for Banking
Grade: 92.5%
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Unit 1: First things first

Lesson 2: Learn the pronouns


Lesson 4: Key question starters


Lesson 5: Building blocks of conversation


Lesson 6: Navigating prepositions and possessives


Lesson 7: Mastering key discourse markers


Lesson 8: Exploring expressive language and idioms


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 2: Mastering customer engagements

Lesson 1: Basic greetings and courtesies


Lesson 2: Essential Spanish for customer interaction


Lesson 3: Enhancing clarity in communication


Lesson 4: Basic communication skills


Lesson 5: Providing assistance


Lesson 6: Telephone etiquette


Lesson 7: Roles and relationships of key players


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 3: Banking by numbers

Lesson 1: Counting fundamentals


Lesson 2: The teen sequence


Lesson 3: Tens to a hundred


Lesson 4: The hundred series


Lesson 5: Thousands to tens of thousands


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 4: Financial arithmetic

Lesson 1: Ranking orders


Lesson 2: Basic math operations


Lesson 3: Measuring items


Lesson 4: Quantitative assessments


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 5: Foundations of banking terminology

Lesson 1: Understanding money, bills, and coins


Lesson 2: Signatures, authorization and verification terms


Lesson 3: Key financial jargon


Lesson 4: Advanced financial vocabulary


Lesson 5: Documentation, service fees and terms


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 6: Account opening process

Lesson 1: Navigating personal details


Lesson 2: Professional profiles explored


Lesson 3: Understanding family dynamics


Lesson 4: Identifying with identification


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 7: Navigating bank client interactions

Lesson 1: Welcoming and assisting bank clients


Lesson 2: Handling account queries and transactions


Lesson 3: Navigating checks and payment options


Lesson 4: Understanding check details and banking documents


Lesson 5: Exploring accounts and financial services


Lesson 6: Initiating and managing banking requests


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 8: Financial instruments and loan essentials

Lesson 1: Fundamentals of financial terms and payments


Lesson 2: The loan officer's toolkit


Lesson 3: Auto financing terms and procedures


Lesson 4: Navigating mortgage conversations


Lesson 5: Terms and concepts for mortgages


Lesson 6: Exploring business profiles and operations


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 9: Chronological clarity, dates and times

Lesson 1: Days and dates


Lesson 2: Months and years


Lesson 3: Time frames and periods


Lesson 4: Clock times and appointments


Lesson 5: Frequency and timing


Lesson 6: Weather and seasons


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 10: Spatial and descriptive essentials

Lesson 1: Directions and locations


Lesson 2: Indoor navigation


Lesson 3: Compass points and orientation


Lesson 4: Colors and identification


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 11: Contrast and compare

Lesson 1: Basic descriptors and contrasts


Lesson 2: Comparative attributes and actions


Lesson 3: Opposites and conditions


Lesson 4: Qualitative expressions


Lesson 5: Emotional and state descriptors


Lesson 6: Textures, weather, and extremes


Unit Review


Unit Test


Unit 12: Banking communication and service

Lesson 1: Payment methods and platforms


Lesson 2: Account details and billing


Lesson 3: Bill payment options and support


Lesson 4: Service inquiries and procedures


Lesson 5: Key questions for safe deposit box use


Lesson 6: Safe deposit box terms and protocols


Unit Review


Unit Test


Final Test

Spanish for Finance Final


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